Tag: Financial Advice

I Disagree with Dave Ramsey (Ep. 13)

I Disagree with Dave Ramsey (Ep. 13)

Let’s face it, following Dave Ramsey’s extreme measures, like selling all your possessions, living on a shoestring budget, and working yourself to the bone to pay off debt quickly, can lead to burnout and may not be sustainable in the long run.

So, what’s the solution? 

In this episode, Christine Luken challenges the popular philosophies the famous Dave Ramsey taught. She argues that being too intense and fixated on your finances can be dangerous and that finding a happy medium is the key to success.

Tune in to gain valuable insight from Christine as she offers practical tips on achieving a balanced approach that works for YOU and avoiding financial burnout.

And that’s not all! Christine also delves into how her Financial Dignity® philosophy complements Dave Ramsey’s teachings, making this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking to enhance their financial well-being.

Get ready to have some fun as Christine talks about:

  • Why blindly following anyone (even Dave Ramsey!) isn’t a good idea
  • How to mix Dave Ramsey’s philosophies with her Financial Dignity® movement and create your unique approach
  • Creative ways to use credit cards wisely and reap their benefits
  • The significance of taking a chill pill from your financial plan to prevent burnout and keep your motivation level high
  • Plus, there’s more exciting stuff in store!


Connect with Christine: 

4 Divorce Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

4 Divorce Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

Love on the rocks? Don’t let your finances sink with your heart! We all know splitting up is tough, but it doesn’t have to be a total financial disaster.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken talks about the top four money mistakes she sees people make during a divorce and how to avoid them. She explains how each of these emotional landmines can cause some real financial damage and what we can do to steer clear of them.

In this episode: 

  • Get the inside scoop on why some people use money as a weapon during divorce and the emotions fueling this behavior
  • Discover how taking productive action can help you stay in control of your future finances 
  • Learn the value of having a pro on your “money team” to guide you through financial matters during divorce
  • Plus, so much more! You don’t want to miss this jam-packed episode 


Connect with Christine: 

Help! I’m Terrified of Taxes With Lisa Niser (Ep. 11)

Help! I’m Terrified of Taxes With Lisa Niser (Ep. 11)

We get it, taxes can be terrifying. Let’s put your tax fears at ease together.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, brings on the one and only Lisa Niser – a tax pro with a passion for teaching folks like us how to make smart decisions with our money. Lisa dishes on the top 5 tax fears that give us the heebie-jeebies. But instead of hiding under the covers, they’re giving us the scoop on how freaked out we should be, what actually happens in each situation, and what we can do to conquer those fears if we ever face ‘em.

Lisa’s got us covered on:

  • The 5 most common tax fears
  • How much we should really be freaking out about each one 
  • The scoop on what really happens in each tax fear scenario
  • Actions we can take to handle those tax fears like a boss 
  • And more (you don’t want to miss this!)


Connect with Christine: 

Connect with Lisa Niser:

About our Guest: 

Lisa Niser has a Master’s degree in Taxation from DePaul University and has been an IRS Enrolled Agent for over 25 years. Lisa provides tax advice to both individuals and business owners so they can make informed decisions for their finances.

Unearthing Your Money Story (Ep. 10)

Unearthing Your Money Story (Ep. 10)

Are you tired of feeling like a hamster on a wheel when it comes to your finances? It’s time to break the cycle and unleash your inner money boss!

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, helps us find our money stories and teaches us how to remove them. So what exactly is a money story, you ask? Christine breaks it down and shows us how our past experiences with money can impact our present and future relationship with it. But don’t worry – she’s got a two-step plan to help us remove those unhelpful money stories from our subconscious once and for all.

Christine discusses: 

  • Breaking free from financial patterns by understanding your money story 
  • How your past experiences can affect your financial future
  • Fast-tracking information into your unconscious mind with theta brain waves
  • Why unhelpful money stories keep us in self-sabotaging cycles
  • How to remove unhelpful money stories in just two steps
  • Creating a positive financial narrative and transforming your money mindset
  • And so much more!

This is not your average finance talk – it’s time to let loose and have some fun as we explore our money mindset and unleash our financial potential. Tune in now and let’s get started!


Connect with Christine: 

5 Reasons Why People Give Up On Their Money Goals (Ep. 9)

5 Reasons Why People Give Up On Their Money Goals (Ep. 9)

Ready, set, stick to your money goals! 

It’s no secret that New Year’s resolutions can be tough to keep, especially when it comes to our finances. But don’t worry, Financial Dignity® Coach Christine Luken has your back! She’s uncovered the top 5 reasons why we tend to fall off track with our money goals and has some super fun tips to help you reset and rock those goals like a boss!

Christine discusses: 

  • Why having a million and one goals is more harm than help
  • Why we need to get pumped about our goals
  • The benefits of being a bit bendy: Why some goals need room to move
  • Setting a schedule: When it’s a help and when it’s a hindrance
  • Why being rigid can keep us from achieving our goals
  • And so much more!


Connect with Christine: 

Talking Money With Your Honey With Adam Kol (Ep. 8)

Talking Money With Your Honey With Adam Kol (Ep. 8)

Talking about money with your honey doesn’t have to be painful or stressful! It’s normal to not agree with each other 100% of the time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t navigate those differences with love and respect.

Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, teams up with Adam Kol, a certified mediator, tax attorney, financial advisor, and financial couples counselor, to tackle the elephant in the room- talking about money as a couple

Listen in as Adam shares his expert insights and explains how he helps couples in financial conflict find teamwork, fairness, and peace of mind. Let’s make talking about money a piece of cake!

In this episode: 

  • Find out why money causes big trouble in relationships
  • Understand the danger of ignoring the root cause of financial disagreements
  • Money talks with your significant other don’t have to be painful or stressful
  • Learn why disagreeing is normal, and how it can be handled with love and respect
  • Adam shares the process that he walks couples through to address and resolve conflicts around money when emotions are high
  • And more! Let’s make talking about money a piece of cake!


Connect with Christine: 

Connect with Adam Kol:

About our Guest: 

Adam Kol helps couples go from financial overwhelm or fighting to clarity, peace of mind & teamwork. He brings experience as a Certified Mediator, Tax Attorney, and Financial Advisor. Adam is a graduate of Duke Law (J.D.) and NYU Law (LL.M. in Tax Law).

Debt-Busting 101: The Top 5 Methods to Say Goodbye to Bad Debt (Ep. 7)

Debt-Busting 101: The Top 5 Methods to Say Goodbye to Bad Debt (Ep. 7)

Ready to kick debt to the curb? Whether you’re a debt newbie or a seasoned pro, this episode is for you! 

Join Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, as she shares 5 different strategies for paying off debt and the perfect scenarios to use them in. Plus, she’ll be dishing out some helpful resources for managing debt so you can be on your way to financial freedom in no time. It’s time to say goodbye to those pesky bills and hello to the good life! 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • Why it’s always a good time to start paying off your debt, regardless of the time of the year
  • Why a key step to paying off debt is making a promise to yourself to stop digging the hole deeper
  • The top 5 ways to pay off debt and how to choose the one that works best for you
  • Mix and match the methods for a powerful debt-busting combo
  • And that’s not all, folks!


Connect with Christine: 


How To Stop Spending Emotionally (Ep. 6)

How To Stop Spending Emotionally (Ep. 6)

Not all spending is bad. Some emotional spending is good, but when it starts to negatively affect our finances or results in regrettable purchases, it’s time to take a step back and try to fix our spending habits.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, talks about emotional spending. More importantly, she explains that we can’t stop all emotional spending, but there are ways to help put a stop to the bad habits related to it. Christine talks about what emotional spending really means, the difference between healthy and unhealthy emotional spending, and things we can do to help with emotional spending if it becomes problematic.

Christine discusses: 

  • What “emotional spending” really means
  • The difference between healthy and unhealthy emotional spending
  • Why emotional spending is a habit, not a character trait
  • Identifying the root emotion that causes you to spend unwisely and how to redirect yourself from unhealthy spending
  • Why spending is not inherently bad
  • And more


Connect with Christine: 

Is My Spouse Hiding Money From Me? (Ep. 5)

Is My Spouse Hiding Money From Me? (Ep. 5)

37% of people keep at least one financial secret from their romantic partner. If your relationship is on the rocks or divorce has already been mentioned, you should be on high alert.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken talks about the many red flags with hiding money from a spouse. She details why spouses might hide money from one another, the signs to look out for, and where the money or income might be hidden with a couple of personal stories from herself and her co-host, Aric Johnson.

Christine discusses: 

  • Why spouses might hide money from each other
  • The common and not-so-common signs a spouse might be hiding money
  • Surprising places spouses can hide income 
  • Where spouses hide assets and cash, and where to look
  • …and so much more!


Connect with Christine: 

Why You Should Let Your Kids Fail With Money With James Lenhoff (Ep. 4)

Why You Should Let Your Kids Fail With Money With James Lenhoff (Ep. 4)

Every parent wants their children to be successful financially, but running to the rescue can actually hinder their financial growth and understanding. 

The hard truth: Let your kids fail

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, speaks with author, podcast host, and co-founder James Lenhoff, CFP® about how to set kids up for financial success. James focuses on why letting kids and teenagers fail with money is beneficial to their financial literacy and shares his experience with letting his own kids experience failure with money.

Christine and James discuss: 

  • Why parents often swoop in and rescue their kids rather than letting them experience failure with money
  • Some of the long-term issues that result from making financial mistakes as a child or teenager without any financial consequences
  • What the progression of “failing with money” in a controlled environment looks like
  • The long-term benefits of letting kids fail with money when the amounts and consequences are relatively small
  • And more


Connect with Christine: 

Connect with James Lenhoff:

About our Guest: 

James Lenhoff, CFP® is the Director Of Mission and co-founder of Wealthquest. James is a certified financial planner and a certified life coach. He is passionate about the emotional and relational aspects of money and is on a mission to change the conversation about money. James is the author of “Living a Rich Life: The No-Regrets Guide to Building and Spending Wealth” and he is the host of The Rich Life Podcast.

James has been married to his wife, Amy, for over 20 years. They have three children. Max, Wes, and Mia. In his free time, he loves to share adventures with his family through travel, golfing, and boating.