Category: Uncategorized

Are You Helping or Enabling? (Ep. 20)

Are You Helping or Enabling? (Ep. 20)

Have you ever wondered if your acts of kindness are truly helping or unintentionally fueling poor financial habits? 

Brace yourself for a mind-bending exploration as Christine dives deep into the world of financial enablement, deciphering its meaning and empowering you with the tools to identify and address this delicate issue head-on.

With a dash of wisdom and a sprinkle of practical advice, Christine will guide you through setting healthy boundaries and fostering financial independence for your loved ones. Get ready to reclaim your own financial power while supporting those you care about.

In this episode, Christine explores:

  • Unveiling the fine line between helping and enabling
  • Recognizing when your “help” falls short of being helpful
  • The crucial first step to fixing the enabling dynamic
  • Preparing for “the talk” and establishing healthy money boundaries
  • And much more insightful advice to transform your financial relationships!



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Triumphing Over Financial Abuse With Allison Dagney (Ep. 19)

Triumphing Over Financial Abuse With Allison Dagney (Ep. 19)

Have you ever felt like you had no control over your finances? 

Financial abuse is a common form of domestic violence that can leave people feeling helpless and trapped. 

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken invites Allison Dagney, author of “When Tears Leave Scars”, to discuss the warning signs of financial abuse and how to overcome its effects. 

Allison also shares her journey of transforming her relationship with money after her divorce, which was initially filled with fear and anxiety due to the conditioning and programming from her previous marriage. 

Allison discusses: 

  • How to recognize emotional and financial abuse
  • Her personal story experiencing financial and emotional abuse and what she would tell her past self
  • How she escaped the relationship and discreetly saved up resources to live on her own
  • Her recovery journey–the strategies she is using to regain confidence, control, and peace of mind
  • And more



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About Allison Dagney: 

As a young adult, Allison met a man who she believed was the love of her life. They got married quickly and brought three kids into the world. But something was wrong. She was miserable. And she blamed herself for all the problems in their marriage. What she didn’t know was that she was being emotionally abused by who she believed was a narcissist. Allison decided it was time to break free and step into the person she was always meant to be — confident and free to live the life she’d always imagined. 

Allison escaped, and she turned her personal story of transformation into a memoir. And now she coaches women all over the world to help them stop thinking of the painful past, experience peace, and start enjoying life like never before.

The Financial Dignity® Formula (Ep. 18)

The Financial Dignity® Formula (Ep. 18)

Unleash your inner money magician with Christine Luken’s enchanting formula for lasting Financial Dignity®! Wave goodbye to debt, skyrocket your net worth, and embark on a whimsical adventure to financial abundance! Abracadabra, it’s time to play with your money!

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, shares the Financial Dignity® Formula with you. She breaks down the formula into 5 parts: your relationship with money, building a prosperity plan, mastering your debt, emotionally charging your savings, and investing in yourself, and shares some case studies and examples to help you apply the Financial Dignity® Formula to your finances.

Christine discusses: 

  • How to develop a positive relationship with your money
  • How a prosperity plan can eliminate the problems with extreme budgeting
  • How you can master your debt by using it wisely and in moderation
  • How you can emotionally charge one of the important goals you want to save for
  • Why you should invest in yourself and your financial future
  • And more



Connect with Christine: 

Badass Retirement With Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D., CFP® (Ep. 17)

Badass Retirement With Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D., CFP® (Ep. 17)

Retirement: it’s a world of endless possibilities! Some folks love nothing more than basking on a sandy beach, while others crave a daring adventure.

Join us for an exciting episode as Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, teams up with the incredible Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D., CFP®, to banish the notion of an “average retirement” and embrace the concept of a “Badass Retirement”! Get ready to learn why people are ditching the beach dreams for thrilling escapades, the vital role of staying healthy in retirement, and discover how you can achieve your very own badass retirement!

In this episode, listen and learn as Christine and Robert dive into:

  • The epic disparities between an average retirement and a badass retirement
  • Who is cut out for the daring adventures of a badass retirement (spoiler alert: it’s not for the faint-hearted)
  • How the space between desire and achievement can ignite our inner fire and drive us towards greatness
  • The secret sauce of upgrading your health for a truly badass retirement, with stories from Robert’s own clients
  • The steps you can start taking a decade or more before retirement to set the stage for your own kick-ass retirement
  • And much, much more!



Connect with Christine: 

Connect with Robert Pagliarini:

About our Guest: 

Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D., CFP® is the president of Pacifica Wealth, a Certified Financial Planner®, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and the author of five books, including “Badass Retirement”. He’s not your typical financial professional, but is quite the adventurer! Robert has climbed Mt.  Kilimanjaro, hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and hang-glided in Brazil!

Demystifying Credit Scores (Ep. 16)

Demystifying Credit Scores (Ep. 16)

Credit scores can be confusing! How are they calculated? Why do they go up and down? How important are they really?

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, demystifies credit scores and answers your burning questions about them! She covers the basics from what your credit score is and how it’s calculated, all the way to how important your credit score is to your overall financial health.

Christine discusses: 

  • What a credit score is and how it’s calculated
  • What affects your credit score
  • What your credit score affects other than your ability to borrow money
  • How to improve your credit score without taking on a lot of debt
  • Why it’s more important to focus on your net worth than your credit score
  • And more!



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Manage Money Like a Boss in Your Business (Ep. 15)

Manage Money Like a Boss in Your Business (Ep. 15)

You don’t have to be a numbers nerd to be the boss of your business finances. All you need are a Money Boss mindset and Money Boss actions!

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken talks about making money the best employee in your business, not your worst nightmare. She shares tips on how to keep your business finances organized with a simple system and why it’s important to give them some CEO love. Plus, don’t worry if you’re not a spreadsheet nerd because managing money like a boss doesn’t require a degree in Excel!

What are you waiting for? Put on your boss hat, grab a coffee, and let’s get to work on turning your finances into the star employee of your business.

Christine’s Key Takeaways: 

  • Why you should treat your money as an employee in your business
  • Why a positive mindset about personal finance doesn’t automatically translate to business finances, and how to build a Money Boss Mindset
  • How setting up a simple system can help keep your business finances organized 
  • Why it’s important to give your business finances positive attention with some scheduled CEO time
  • Why you should keep your business finances separate from your personal finances
  • You don’t have to be a spreadsheet nerd to manage your money like a boss!
  • And more



Connect with Christine: 

Generosity Makes You Rich With Bob DePasquale (Ep. 14)

Generosity Makes You Rich With Bob DePasquale (Ep. 14)

Did you know that giving can actually make you feel good? It’s true!

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, speaks with the Generosity Guy, Bob DePasquale, CFP® CAP® about the incredible power of generosity and how it can impact your life and finances. Get ready to be inspired as Bob shares some heartwarming personal stories about the unexpected generosity he’s received during tough times. He also dives into the science behind generosity and gives you some tips on how to cultivate a habit of giving, both consistently and spontaneously.

Let’s spread some love and generosity together!

Bob discusses: 

  • Why generosity has been an important part of his life for the past couple of decades
  • How generosity benefits everyone, even those who just observe it
  • What people miss out on by not being generous with their money
  • How you can cultivate a habit of generosity
  • Why we need both consistent and spontaneous generosity
  • And more


Connect with Christine: 

Connect with Bob DePasquale:

About our Guest: 

Bob DePasquale’s generosity journey started at age 18 when he was diagnosed with cancer and experienced the tragic events of 9/11 in just a few short days.  He wouldn’t be around to speak about if it weren’t for some amazing acts of generosity. Bob realized the powerful force that the giving mindset is after experiencing his life-threatening illness and the terrorist attacks.  He spent 15 years learning how to apply giving principles in his own business and it is now his mission to help others do the same. Organizations that have a generous culture are bound to attract better employees and better customers.

I Disagree with Dave Ramsey (Ep. 13)

I Disagree with Dave Ramsey (Ep. 13)

Let’s face it, following Dave Ramsey’s extreme measures, like selling all your possessions, living on a shoestring budget, and working yourself to the bone to pay off debt quickly, can lead to burnout and may not be sustainable in the long run.

So, what’s the solution? 

In this episode, Christine Luken challenges the popular philosophies the famous Dave Ramsey taught. She argues that being too intense and fixated on your finances can be dangerous and that finding a happy medium is the key to success.

Tune in to gain valuable insight from Christine as she offers practical tips on achieving a balanced approach that works for YOU and avoiding financial burnout.

And that’s not all! Christine also delves into how her Financial Dignity® philosophy complements Dave Ramsey’s teachings, making this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking to enhance their financial well-being.

Get ready to have some fun as Christine talks about:

  • Why blindly following anyone (even Dave Ramsey!) isn’t a good idea
  • How to mix Dave Ramsey’s philosophies with her Financial Dignity® movement and create your unique approach
  • Creative ways to use credit cards wisely and reap their benefits
  • The significance of taking a chill pill from your financial plan to prevent burnout and keep your motivation level high
  • Plus, there’s more exciting stuff in store!


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4 Divorce Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

4 Divorce Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

Love on the rocks? Don’t let your finances sink with your heart! We all know splitting up is tough, but it doesn’t have to be a total financial disaster.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken talks about the top four money mistakes she sees people make during a divorce and how to avoid them. She explains how each of these emotional landmines can cause some real financial damage and what we can do to steer clear of them.

In this episode: 

  • Get the inside scoop on why some people use money as a weapon during divorce and the emotions fueling this behavior
  • Discover how taking productive action can help you stay in control of your future finances 
  • Learn the value of having a pro on your “money team” to guide you through financial matters during divorce
  • Plus, so much more! You don’t want to miss this jam-packed episode 


Connect with Christine: 

Help! I’m Terrified of Taxes With Lisa Niser (Ep. 11)

Help! I’m Terrified of Taxes With Lisa Niser (Ep. 11)

We get it, taxes can be terrifying. Let’s put your tax fears at ease together.

In this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christine Luken, brings on the one and only Lisa Niser – a tax pro with a passion for teaching folks like us how to make smart decisions with our money. Lisa dishes on the top 5 tax fears that give us the heebie-jeebies. But instead of hiding under the covers, they’re giving us the scoop on how freaked out we should be, what actually happens in each situation, and what we can do to conquer those fears if we ever face ‘em.

Lisa’s got us covered on:

  • The 5 most common tax fears
  • How much we should really be freaking out about each one 
  • The scoop on what really happens in each tax fear scenario
  • Actions we can take to handle those tax fears like a boss 
  • And more (you don’t want to miss this!)


Connect with Christine: 

Connect with Lisa Niser:

About our Guest: 

Lisa Niser has a Master’s degree in Taxation from DePaul University and has been an IRS Enrolled Agent for over 25 years. Lisa provides tax advice to both individuals and business owners so they can make informed decisions for their finances.